
Instructions for Authors

General instructions

Contributions are limited to one-page abstracts.

The text should be formatted single-column, single-spaced, and sized for A4 (210 × 297 mm) paper. Left, right, top, and bottom margins should be 25.4mm. The title, authors’ names, and affiliations should be centered. The rest of the text should be justified, that is, aligned on both (left and right) sides. The title font size should be 14 points, bold. The authors’ names and affiliations should be one line below the title, 11 points, italics. If there are multiple authors, the presenter should be identified with an asterisk. The text should start two lines below the affiliations. Paragraphs should be separated by one empty line.

The preferred font type is Times New Roman (or equivalent font). Minimum font size is 11 points - this is also the preferred font size. All submissions are electronic, in a PDF format (*.pdf). True Type fonts must be embedded in the submitted PDF file. Other (bitmap) font types will not be accepted.

List of references should not be included. A few references may be inserted within the text parenthetically, for example: (F.E.M. Author, “Finite Element Paper,” IEEE Trans. FEM, 11, 2012, pp. 4-6). Acknowledgements of financial support should not be included.


Microsoft Word (.DOCX) template (and old .DOC version)

Latex (.tex) template


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