Ricerca Laboratori e gruppi di ricercaGOL
GOL - Global Optimization Laboratory "Gerardo Poggiali"
The Global Optimization Lab carries out research, teaching, and technology transfer in Operations Research and Optimization with focus on:
- Optimization theory and algorithms (continuous, combinatorial, local, global)
- Operations Research and Analytics
- Machine Learning and Data Science
- Applications: Logistics, Healthcare, Production Transportation
- Industry 4.0
Full Professors: F. Schoen, F. Tardella Associate Professor: P. Cappanera Research assistant: M. Lapucci PHD Students: 5 and Postdoc: 1, Fellows, MD and Visiting Students
Scientific Director Fabio Schoen
Location School of Engineering Via di Santa Marta 3 50139 Firenze ph. +39 055 275 8531
Web site https://webgol.dinfo.unifi.it
Information Service
The activity takes place in the Lab located in Building 29, second floor, room 240.
The Lab is open during the normal department opening hours.